
Saturday 17 January 2015

Mapo Tofu Basic Recipe / Quick Easy Dinner

If there is one thing that I love to do when cooking, it is substituting ingredients with what you have on hand. Not only is it more cost efficient and saves you lots of money, it is also much less wasteful. Lets say you want to make a cake and the recipe calls for cream, why not substitute with sour cream or even Greek Yoghurt that is already in the fridge? Sometimes the substitutions can even be healthier for you. It's little things like this that make me happy sometimes.

Recently I was perusing the fridge trying to think of what I could make from what I had on hand. It was getting close to two weeks since my last grocery shop and supplied were getting low. I was down to a quarter of a capsicum, a packet of tofu, some mince and sauces. I always have cans and some things in the cupboard too. I learnt this from my mum who is a closet 'doomsday prepper' (notice the pun hehe). That's why I had an onion or two and some garlic cloves along with a limited herb selection (I don't want to buy every herb I normally use since I am only in the USA for a limited time).

Focusing on the Tofu I remembered how much I love eating my mother-in-law's Mapo Tofu. She only makes it on special occasions and it is originally her mother-in-law's recipe. I decided that the main ingredients are mince, tofu and chilli so the rest is optional and open to interpretation. Here is my little twist on the recipe which is an easy weekday option. Quick, easy and delicious, you should give it a go!


1 Tablespoon oil
1 Capsicum, Diced
1 Onion, Diced
2 Garlic, Sliced
1 Can Whole Chopped Tomatoes
200 Grams Mince Meat (preferably half pork half beef, but I only had pork on hand this time)
1 Package Firm Tofu, Diced
1-2 Tablespoons Chilli Sauce
1 Teaspoon Cumin Powder
1 Teaspoon Dried Oregano
1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
1/2 Cup Chinese Vinegar


Heat oil in medium to high heat.

Add the onions, stirring until they become translucent.

Add the capsicums and the garlic, stirring until they too are softened.

Next add the meat, chilli, soy, vinegar, and stir until slightly browned.

Then add the tomatoes, cumin and oregano, and allow them to simmer for approximately 10 minutes or until softened and set.

At this point gently stir in the tofu and allow to cook together for approximately 5 minutes more.

Taste before serving and add salt/pepper/chilli if required.

Best served with rice, but you can always substitute with other carbs. I used crusty bread that I had on hand ;-)

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