
About Me

It is my passion to travel and experience different cultures, ways of life and delicious cuisines.

Travelling is nothing new to me. I took my first flight at 3 months and have done more than my fair share of flying. I have been very fortunate to have visited many amazing destinations but there is always a new horizon to discover.

Right now I am living in New Jersey, USA for 9 months with my husband while he is on a work assignment. This has given me a chance to get in touch with my creative side again by taking up water colouring, writing and blogging.

I'm also cooking a lot and enjoying the opportunity to try out new recipe. I'm no Chef, but I love to cook. I grew up in and around the kitchen. Like in many families, it was the hub of our home. Someone would always be in there cooking, be it mama, papa or one of my four siblings and later on in life even me - the baby. 

My cooking style is definitely rustic. I find it hard to follow recipes which is why I don't do much baking or sweets. I prefer to get some inspiration and then make a recipe my own somehow. What makes me most proud though is when I use the ingredients I have on hand and make something really yummy. There really is no law against substitution in cooking. If you don't have regular cream on hand why not use sour cream, or cottage cheese or ricotta cheese? It's not just about a boost to my ego by being creative. Using food you already have on hand minimises waste and is more cost efficient. 

Diana x

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